EB today but it’s on the right theme! This house plant seemed to have died a couple of weeks ago but I cut it back and gave it another chance. It’s started to regrow!
Went over to Js. Took him to collect his car- air con needs lots of work. Will be expensive. We started the gardening but I realised I had forgotten the black plastic so went to get it whilst he dug out the huge root of some thing or another that he had cut back last time. Dads pickaxe and a sharpened spade helped and it was out by the time I got back.
I used the black plastic to make planting pockets for the rockery stones by the pond , whilst he did more cutting back and planting. We were just about ready to sweep up and clear away when it started to pour with rain so we chucked everything in the shed and came inside.
Lots of opportunities for photos but didn’t take any! Came home via the supermarket. Got a gorgeous bouquet for Ju for Sunday and, at his request, more pots and plants for Js garden . Morrisons are really good for flowers and plants

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