By Suzyell

Health Check

Took Jennie for her first face to face midwife appointment where they just took bloods, a wee sample and did the height and weight thing. Nice for her to see someone though even if not a lot done - not a lot to do atm though. 
I had a doctors appointment in the afternoon. My health check which has been impossible to book since being called back in November. It's the second one I've had now - think they are every 5 years. I was very pleasantly surprised by my heart which is apparently that of a 58 year old - I'm very nearly 62 so feeling quite accomplished lol. It's bizarre really as they tell you you have a heart age of 58 which is great to hear but obviously my heart's age is 62 because thats how long I've had it! Also got a super low cholesterol reading #govegan 
On the way back from the GPs I sat for a short time by Spires Ash. It was a beautiful afternoon to sit and contemplate. I did include in my contemplation how grotty the top of the water looked. 

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