Harvey's Gang
Before I left Telford I helped to setup Harvey's Gang, along with paediatrics and some willing helper, and ran through a visit with our first child. Unfortunately, she didn't want it to be publicised but this one was OK with it. This was part of a press release from SaTH to show what is being done.
I think this is my proudest achievement as a BMS.
Press release:
Youngsters with cancer and other serious illnesses can now become junior biomedical scientists for the day to understand what happens when their blood is tested at our Hospitals.
Pathology laboratory staff at our Princess Royal Hospital have introduced ‘Harvey’s Gang’ to demystify the process for children who are in and out of hospital and having regular blood tests and transfusions.
Harvey’s Gang, named in memory of a young boy who was curious to find out what went on behind the scenes when his blood was taken, aims to empower children and help them understand an essential part of their care and treatment.
Once they have had their blood taken, the junior scientist is taken down to tour the pathology laboratory, where the youngster can look at their blood cells under the microscope and learn how their blood group is determined.
As part of their tour, each child is given a goody bag which includes a lab coat to wear during the tour, a ‘Junior Scientist’ ID badge, a lanyard and a ‘test tube’ of sweets.
Alex Turner, Biomedical Scientist in Haemotology, said: “It is a privilege for us to meet young patients and help them understand happens to their blood when it comes to the laboratory.
“We work in an area of the hospital where we don’t usually see patients so each tour is a humbling reminder of why the work we do is important.”
Paul Jakeways, who launched the scheme at SaTH when he was a Senior Biomedical Scientist, said: “It makes me incredibly proud to see how Harvey’s Gang has been embraced and to have played a part in getting it set up at SaTH. To be able to help empower a child during what can be a challenging and upsetting time is an honour.”
Pictured is Joey Hogan, one of the first members of Harvey's Gang
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