Journies at home

By journiesathome

Canicular - the dog days

Mu is a heatwave baby.  
She lay lazily in my tummy throughout the summer of 2003, not even bothering to shift into a convenient position to be tested for spina bifida.

In the summer of 2003, the summer Marie Trintignant was killed by her boyfriend in a hotel room in Roumania and the summer thousands of elderly people died in France due to the relentless heat, only cold perrier bubbles in the shade of the trees on the Place Castelane could stir her into little bouts of actions.
Down at the crique in the late afternoons I'd lie on my back in the sea and she'd lie on her back in me and we'd both float motionlessly for as long as possible.

Summer 2019 - The year of her Brevet, the year temperatures were once again in the 40's and the exams were postponed.

Summer 2022 - The year of her Bac, the years temperatures didn't go below 20° for more than a week at night and the exams went ahead all the same.   If the snowflake generation could survive the Covid years they could clearly put up with a bit of intense heat at an intense time of their tense lives.  Without even melting.

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