Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

It's got me!

Well this weekend is not going to plan at all. Looks like I brought an unwanted 'souvenir' back up from the South West. Bristol Airport was rammed with several delayed flights (my own included) and it was really hot, the perfect place for a virus to spread.

Started feeling very unwell in the night, did a covid test at 2am and yup, I'm positive. A hideous night and day of fever, an intense headache and a vomit-inducing cough. Still seem to be able to taste and smell though.

So frustrating that I had to miss my market as its one of my main bits of income in the current economic climate, getting it just one day later and wouldn't have mattered so much.

Really hoping that that's the worst of it and will start feeling better quickly (insert a fingers crossed emoji).

So far S is OK but we had to cancel our weekend visitors and dinner with other friends as well. Boo

The blip was an unexpected and very kind care package from a neighbour who had it herself recently - she's right the fresh thyme and honey tea she made does help with the cough. Our thyme has died and S went into Tesco and Lidl in Penicuik to get some more but none to be found. Will have to see of any neighbours have some in their garden they can spare.

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