Coal Tit

It seems to be a couple ofbird tit days for me, at least I think this
is a coal tit, they breed in holes in trees and this one was
taking in stuff to make a nest, we have a few in the garden
they go on the feeders, but the same as yesterday I have
never blipped one before, so am happy again. Large maybetter.
went to see my pal this afternoon, her 4 yr old ran out for
a hug, then said no time for you today I go with Dad in
twactor, his Dad is speading muck for the grass growth and
pooooo it was stinky, I said that to him and he laughed and
said no, he is going to be a farmer I think :-)))
Another day the same as yesterday, but it's going to be colder
over the next few day :-(( Hope your all having a good day.

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