Siblings ….. always messing :0)
Love them both loadz
Burley House for a dog walk and came across the annual RollsRoyce and Bentley AGM and rally, darling . Place was rammed with them ……and the smell of lead petrol ( disgusting stuff )
Mooched around Stamford which is like being in a period film set, sat in the shade by the river for nibbles and natter, Basil hopping in for a quick swim.
Proper chipper chips on the steps of a fancy empty house watching the market pack up
Stopped off a pint in Melton Mowbray at the historic Anne of Cleves pub, used to belong to Thomas Cromwell , then gifted to Henry VIII’s forth wife in her divorce settlement.
Home for more food , more wonderful chat and our last eve of our holiday. Ferry booked and we do have to go home .

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