The Beast Part 1 - It Bit me

The Beast Part 1 - It Bit me

I met up with my friend Paul and his wife at the Cambridge Camera Club meeting yesterday and they gave me ‘The Beast’. 

Paul knows how I am enjoying growing succulents and a few weeks ago he asked me if I would like one  he had that was his mothers. He did warn me that they called it’ The Beast’. I said ‘Yes Please’

It is about 35 years old and quite magnificent, full of character and certainly reminded me of ones my Mother had many years ago. 

This morning I very carefully lifted it out of its cardboard box in order to asses the size of pot it needed to go in. Quite a few of the baby shoots did fall off onto the glass patio table where I was doing all this. 

Later, while I was tiding up a ‘million’  cactus spikes from the baby shoots embedded themselves into my little finger. 

Okay, that may be an exaggeration.

My Father-in-law, he was an amateur photographer, told me I should alway include a point of reference for size. His example was to alway put a matchbox in the picture. Today I choose to photograph The Beast next to the watering can just to give you a sense of size.

Once its potted up I will need to find somewhere for it be in the house.

According to my app ‘Picture This’ I think The Beast is Echinopisis tubiflora or Hedgehog cactusses.

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