Pick me up
With a bagel breakfast polished off and cloudy, tempestuous skies over our heads, we girded our loins for a walk around a car boot sale.
Unfortunately, by the time we had arrived a recent downpour had understandably sent a number of the vendors scurrying and/or wiping down their merchandise, so pickings were slim. Regardless, a couple of bargains were scored, so not a completely wasted trip out.
I was really flagging though and in need of a pick me up, so we headed back up the A6 to Beetham Nurseries for a walk round and more importantly a trip to their cafe, which does the most amazing cakes. To mine own horror, I heard myself order a vegan date slice, but it was absolutely delicious and that combined with a decent brew perked me back up again.
Heading back into Kendal and with the weather stabilising, we took a wander up the castle to take in the view you see here. I confessed that on a Sunday afternoon without the children, I can normally be found on the castle at some point just taking it all in. I think there is something about being higher that gives you more space to take everything in.
With a light afternoon doze behind us, I was soon on my own again and with brew in hand and Wimbledon on the iPad, I set to work on the remaining doors and started prepping the doorframe - covering over this godawful foamy stuff that has been used everywhere in the house - for the painting of a lifetime.
A weekend of relaxation and productivity? Balance?
What gives?
P.S. If you have OCD, see how long you can stare at the picture of my neighbour’s window in extras without your head exploding.
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