
After unpacking the car from yesterday's market and setting up all the pots back onto the shelves....i took the rest of the day off!   I was dog tired as they say!   So, took it easy, but felt the need for some got out my 'kitchen table' stuff and played around for a couple of hours.   When i as tired as i am right now my creativity kinda goes out the window, but no worries, i just doodled and at least put some color onto paper!

It was a glorious day so around 4pm we headed to Englishtown and parked in a different spot this time.   Boy are we creatures of habit or what!  usually we park just as you get off the ferry but this time we drove down the road and found a different place to start our walk, which was at a part of the beach we rarely get as far!   Had our usual wine and cheese etc., and got the world straightened out again!  It was just wonderful to sit there and gaze out at the very calm water.  even saw a couple of seals, very far away mind you, but you can just see the tops of their heads.

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