Grassy bit

This grassy bit on our street has been closed as one of the trees had a dangerous broken branch and the factors had to get a tree surgeon in. CyclopsJnr found this inconvenient before his holiday as he felt he and a friend had some 'mining' to do in there (digging a hole in the soil). Well CyclopsJnr is pleased to find it is now open again.

Now starts the first of several holiday club weeks. How lucky we are to have such a choice in north Edinburgh and in particular so a great programme at CyclopsJnr's school. Also handy that as a social beast CyclopsJnr is keen to go to these things.

This week CyclopsJnr will be at Foxlake! We drop him at school of a morning and they take them up to this lake activity centre near Dunbar where they get to do all sorts of fun stuff.

Today they did archery tig, and the low ropes course. Tomorrow will involve wetsuits and a life jacket which CyclopsJnr is VERY excited for.

He was absolutely exhausted when I picked him up, and his lunchbox had a lot of soil and leaves in it (?!) but I think it was a good day for him.

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