'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Poppet and Amelie

Here is Poppet's first lamb Amelie - she has taken awhile to get her head around looking after her but is slowly coming round to the idea!

Three beautiful things:
Meringue nests
Visiting the lambs
A gift of some fresh eggs from a pupil's first hens - I am very lucky!

One thing to be grateful for:
The end of the school day - it has been a particularly challenging one today. However I am rather proud of myself as usually when I have a particularly stressful crappy day I will go and buy some kind of calorie laden comfort food! There I was stomping around Sainsburys looking for something to eat to cheer myself up with but a voice in my head kept saying don't sabotage all my hard work in losing weight and making better food choices so I bought two magazines instead!

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