Laboscope App

I feel like I am running out of time...
So much to do before daughter comes...
I had a peaceful day yesterday.

For the last 10 or so evenings, sitting on swing with Midnight, Mrs Bluetit visits, as she has done every evening (as well as frequently during the day during the day). She sings her song and several other different species of small birds come along immediately. One is Mr Sparrow, the father of Little Miss, Young Robin, Little Miss, and a new very small apparently young bird. I have not seen this species of bird in my garden before. It is a ground feeder, and Mittle Miss joined it feeding off the ground.I had to Google and it turns out it is a young Dunnock. It is very mouse like as it moved along the ground, so I did fear for it a bit. But Midnight took no interest in the small Dunnock however close it got to us. It is almost on the dot of 7 pm they come. They stay a short while then go. Always the same number and same group of birds. But last night was a lot different. Mrs Bluetit sang her song, and this usual lot turned up, and were making a heck of a racket, I couldn't identify the different songs. 

Suddenly a whole group of (new to my garden) small birds appeared. Another male robin with weird plumage for his breast (like moulting gone wrong). A small group of different sparrows, male and female, and they were squabbling a bit, with two females after one male, and two different males after one female, but pretty quickly they sorted themselves into  male and female pairs. Little Miss flew away, she wasn't getting involved in this. The two male Robins fed at the feeders. And the little Dunnock was feeding on the ground throughout all this, and then another Dunnock friend turned up and they were feeding together. Just before all the birds left, there came along a new (to my garden) male bluetit. And Mrs Bluetit seemed mighty pleased, and they canoodled, then flew away together. This new male bluetit has very brightly coloured plumage compared to Mrs Bluetit's hubby of earlier this year. Obviously she is calling the shots. Out with the old, in with the new. Even the father of Little Miss chose a new female partner to fly away with.

Will there be another dating evening tonight? Or is this try out different partners time?

Creative in Laboscope is a kaleidoscope of a part of my bedroom.

I have stuff to do. So bye before I totally run out of time...

I need another cuppa. 

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