The Sights you See!

This has been a day in the hands of the NHS for which I am as usual very grateful.

In the morning I had an hour with a physiotherapist who put me through a battery of tests before acknowledging that I was progressing well but giving me some more personalised exercises to do.

In the afternoon I had a foot X-ray to rule out a stress fracture after complaining of pain on walking. While in the department I thought my name was called and obediently followed the radiographer to lie on the couch but when he asked me to pull up my T shirt, I said I was meant to be having a foot X-ray. It transpired I had heard misheard the name called and I was the wrong bod on the table. Laughter all round and a lucky escape for me.

I have still to have a podiatrist appointment- the physio thinks there is some metatarsalgia but I’m happier now I know that I’m making good progress on the ankle front.

During my walk to and fro to the physiotherapist , I discovered two giraffes en route. They both seemed a bit out of context but no more so than the cows we once had dotting the centre of the city.

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