
Rain, as a bit of
a surprise, has soaked the land
leaving big puddles

~ carliewired

I was enjoying my coffee at 4:30 with one eye on the horizon to see what the weather might bring us today. I was out on my deck at 6 to see it half wet, but the sky held some blue. I got myself out the door heading for Tranquille. 

I stopped at the spot where I can see to Tranquille Farm across the wetlands. It looked like a watercolor painting. I caught a first flight into our airport as it was coming in over the river. The pastures are still underwater. The Canada geese in small flocks seemed to be enjoying the still water. I am always surprised to see where logs have floated around and are snagged in the fence line. I had to mind the big puddles everywhere. They are a novelty in a semi-arid region. A west-bound freight train was moving out of the city. It was filled with colourful containers stacked two deep. Behind me, the low cloud swept along the hillsides and seeped down into the ravines. 

I headed back into the city to pick up some breakfast and drop off a parcel to my daughter. I was home for the 7:00 AM news. 

I'm home for the day. The weather looks much better than the forecast but I have some jobs today that will keep me inside. 

We might expect a cloudy day with a chance of showers and a high of 26 C.

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