Harry Potter

A few days ago Olivia asked me if I had heard of Harry Potter. I replied that I had and asked how she had heard about him. She told me that a friend of hers in her class had told her all about him and she then proceeded to tell me how his parents had been killed when he was a baby and how Harry went to a school for Wizards and Witches. I was quite surprised by how much she knew and then Olivia declared that she just loved Harry Potter!
Today she was talking about him again so I showed her our bookcase with all seven of the Harry Potter books and she asked if she could have a look at them. I told her that they were too difficult for her to read and that she was too young as the stories are quite scary. She was persistent so I told her that she could have a look but that they don't have any pictures in. She was quite confused by this because 'even Carys's book had some pictures in' (Carys is my 5 year old Goddaughter who came to visit recently with her family) so I told her that perhaps we could get her some books like the ones Carys has. She was still insistent on reading some of Harry Potter so I had to take this photo of her tonight. She admitted that she didn't understand it so I read her the first two pages at bedtime which resulted in lots of questions such as 'what does that mean?' I think she 'gets' that she's too young for them but I'm sure it won't be too long before she is reading 'proper' books which is sad and exciting at the same time!

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