Belhaven Bay

TT was tea and coffee provider at church this morning, taking his responsibilities very seriously he set off early.  I, on the other hand pottered for a wee while, then headed out for a r un – another five and a bit miles.  It was then home to more chores – these chores are never ending, including emptying the ever overflowing laundry basket.  
His tea and coffee stint went well, but he rather over catered!!  He came home and did some gardening. 
After lunch, TT and I headed to John Muir Country Park, where we had a lovely walk through the woods and then back along the beach.  It was quite late when we were walking along the beach at Belhaven Bay and we had it practically to ourselves which was lovely.  The weather had also brightened up, so we had the best part of the day.  I made tea when we got back – another Roasting Tin recipe, which went down well.  No mention of not ordering it in a restaurant form BB tonight!
Later we Facetimed TT’s mum, then I made cookies and then I watched the last two episodes of Sherwood.  Lots of threads left hanging I think.
Here is TT on the beach at Belhaven.

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