Feeling better

By Suziep71

Thank god for 'tena ladies'


I went for my pamper afternoon today and boy did I need it.

I had my eyelashes done, my toes, an Indian head massage and reflexology.

We caught up in what had been happening to me and to Anne. I told her about the spiritualist and that she said I was an earth angel. Anne's mouth hit the floor. She said that she had also seen my wings and had told me before. I had forgotten about it till she reminded me.

While she was doing my toes I mentioned that I'd seen a spa day on the woucher website. I looked into in more detail and read out what it said. It sounded great at the end of all the spiel it said 'you can't argue with that' this started Anne laughing because she couldn't believe that they were so up themselves.

I then read the small print and this is when both of us nearly wet ourselves laughing.
I read it all out and then I said 'but not fat b******s allowed because we haven't got robes big enough'

I'd love to see the other clients faces when the heard our raucous laughter :-)

Went to see pops he seems confuddled. Sensible head says its because he's not getting rid of the toxins. Stupid head says well stupid head goes into a flat spin.

Good thing that happened today -

I laughed so much that I nearly wet myself which under the circumstances was great :-)

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