Vicki and Mt Isa

We are now in Queensland in Mt Isa, a mining centre  900 km inland from Townsville. We last visited 32 years ago after some friends moved here with their young children. We lost touch for awhile and now have caught up. Now we are talking about grandchildren and great grandchildren! Yikes. 

Vicki is still working but after she finished we went for a walk up to the lookout. I didn’t realise it is a BIG hill to say the least. Took us over and hour with a few stops. I’m not half as fit as she is. 

I wondered what we would talk about but we didn’t have any trouble. 

Mt Isa mines produce silver, lead and zinc. It is transported to Townsville by rail from here. The mines go down 3km. When we were here before we did a mine tour, all dressed up in mining attire ….we were packed in a truck which was driven into the lift and we went down about 1km. Scary but very memorable. 

I was reading about an underground hospital built here during WW2. It was never used except for a cool place for the night staff to sleep. It is celebrating a milestone which is why the article was in the paper. Anyhow it is only about 100m from where we are staying so I might go along and have a look tomorrow. 

It’s really late to bed for us as we have had a meal in a real house and not just in the van. 10pm. One night we were ready for bed but laughed when we realised it was only 6.50pm. The news wasn’t even on.

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