Busy as this bee

We've been packing and readying the house for our trip to Machiasport, Maine tomorrow. For those who have followed my journal for years, the photos soon to be posted will probably look familiar. It's one of my favorite places on this planet. I never tire of photographing the scenic places and special things around the old 1840's cape style home that belonged to my maternal great grandparents. One of their daughter's, my grandfather's sisters, our beloved Aunt Abbie, left the house to my mother after her death at 97. My mother, upon her passing, left it to my brother and me in 2007. We have done lots of work on the old place, it's very cozy with a great tidal river view out to Machias Bay. It's well used by the family whenever we have time to drive those 6-7 hours Downeast to relax in the sea air. 

Merry suspects something is up. She will be lightly sedated and hopefully sleep her way through the long drive rather than singing the whole way. We do have to stop more than usual so I can stretch my new bionic hip, but not too long for Merry.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and warm, a lovely July day.

All hands begging for Peace.

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