
By KathyH58

July 6

A rainy, foggy day for the passengers of the Queen Mary 2's visit to Halifax today.
It was too wet to work today so I was playing catch up on some things that needed to get done. First on the agenda was an oil change for the truck. Then come home and get all my receipts entered into my excel file. Cleaned up my houseplants on the shelves in my office. Edited some photos so I can post them on Facebook tonight.
It looks like I have to hire another guy, the last one I hired has gone AWOL. He messaged me saying he would be off all of last week due to a family emergency. So I get one of my weeding crew to work with J on some jobs, I can handle that for a week. Sunday night I message him to let him know where he will be working on Monday, after all, he said he would be back this week. I don't hear from him, nor does J get a reply to his message. Monday morning I sent him an email, he did reply to that, said he had ran out of minutes on his phone and forgot that he had my email address. He still said he would be back this week, but never told me what day. I replied and asked him what day, I never heard from him. I sent him another email this morning, told him that if he did not respond, then I would be looking to hire someone else. I still have not heard from him. I told him that I have a business to run and jobs to schedule. That it shows his level of commitment to a job that he claimed was his dream job. So new job ads are placed now and I will see what happens.

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