Bees, bugs and other winged creatures...

Firstly, thank you all who gave me stars and hearts for yesterdays lavender farm, l have tried to thank you all personally but just in case l missed someone...

I unashamedly bring you some more photos from the Lavender farm on Tuesday, (these are the last l promise). The farm was alive with the sound of buzzing from bees, l think my bee might be quite a young one (look at how small the wings are) although he has collected a lot of pollen on his legs.

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I noticed some tiny red beetles on the lavender, l have looked up the name and they are the 'common red soldier beetle' otherwise known as the 'hogweed bonking beetle' because that is what they seem to spend their time doing (as l see in my photos)

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There were some butterflies about, difficuilt to photograph as they flitted from flower to flower. These are the 'meadow brown' and the 'tortoiseshell', l think - happy to be corrected.

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