River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Colourful Flowers

Woke up to the (good) news that Boris Johnson will resign as PM - 
We had a low key morning, MrD cut the grass and trimmed the hedge.
I planted 3 tomato plants in a trough behind the greenhouse and scattered the snow peas in front of the tomatoes, just an experiment!
Weather pleasant early morning but turned hot and oppressive - I did some family history indoors …
The garden is full of colourful flowers, I’m enjoying walking around and marvelling at them all:
White ox-eye daisies - just love them! Yellow meadow vetchling (maybe??) or Bird’s-foot trefoil, dark red Nicotiana aka Tobacco Plant, Purple self-heal, pale blue Jacob’s ladder and pink trailing geraniums from Lidl - just a small selection of plants which are making me happy and feeding the insects and the birds!
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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