Midnight Rider

I’d thought I wouldn’t be doing any more acting until Panto, but had a phone call out of the blue last week from the lady who is directing the autumn play for Lancaster Footlights. Apparently, no one had auditioned for one of the male parts and my name had been suggested as someone who might be suitable. I had been aware of the play but a) it sounded quite similar to the one I’ve just finished and b) I thought there’d be quite a few people going for the one part I might have been interested in. Seems I was wrong on both counts - no one auditioned and the play is more of a psychological thriller with some dark comedy moments, than a straightforward murder mystery.
Anyway, I liked the look of the extracts I was sent so duly auditioned on Monday. Was told I wouldn’t hear until Friday, but got a call the next day saying the part was mine. Apparently a chap who was also asked to audition was wavering over the dates so the director decided she wouldn’t bother seeing him as she was happy with how I’d read for the part.
So tonight was first rehearsal. Except it wasn’t. The scripts hadn’t turned up and one cast member (there are only four of us!) was not there. Still, good to get a feel for the play and the set as well as meeting the rest of the cast. Always very different starting a production when you don’t actually know anyone. As well as getting to know the characters, you have to get to know the actors as well. Definitely looking forward to it though.
And the title of todays blip? Well, the title of the play is “I’ll Be Back Before Midnight” and because rehearsals are in Lancaster I need to get there and back as cheaply as possible. A warm, sunny evening and a chance to ride my bike down some nice, twisty A-roads meant that choice of transport was a no-brainer. The fact that my bike averages 70 mpg is just a bit of a bonus…

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