
By Stace91


During my walk at lunch time I decided to go a different way and visit the park down the road from work.

As I looked around for inspiration I saw the usual get out. A kiosk that was closed, goal posts, the park was not very occupied except for a few kids enjoying the last of their school holidays.

On the other side of the park behind the gate, I noticed these two Australian White Ibis

You can see them a lot around Sydney, especially in parks or at the beach, they aren't the most attractive bird which I think makes them great for Blip because they are interesting. I think it is their breeding season at the moment so it looked as though they were getting supplies for the nest.

I took my photo and didn't disturb them pretty sure they don't attack humans like magpies do but they are birds none the less and I am not a fan.

Back to work I went, looking over my shoulder at the park and thought to myself "this would be a great place for bootcamp, or just to do laps" but then I remembered I don't do any exercise that requires running, jumping, lifting, throwing, skip *voice fades out*

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