
By tadpoleview

Preparation Day

Today was a day for getting everything ready for a fun weekend when a whole crowd of friends are descending on us. We really enjoy our weekends when we get together with this gang of christian friends and the time is always full of lots of laughter and frivolity as well as more serious stuff. We usually get together 3 or 4 times each year and people come when they can and go when they have to. I think there will be 8 of us this time.

I say weekend, but in reality it stretches from early evening today round to Monday morning. We all bring something towards food etc and this picture is the 'firstfruits' literally as a whole bag of it came with the first couple, along with other goodies too.

So here's to a 'weekend' of fun, friendship, food and the odd glass of wine too!

Oh ... in case you were wondering, the strawberries in yesterday's blip have now been eaten, and very nice they were too.

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