The work continues

Another documentation of the work being done on Nerissa, the mermaid statue by the harbour. I asked these two if they minded if I took a shot, and they were very obliging. The man on the left said that he'd have to suck in his tummy! I mentioned that I'd taken a few photos of the ongoing work, and the man on the right said he'd love to see them. He directed me to one of his cards with his email on it in his truck. Turns out that he's a sculptor and gemstone carver - and I didn't realize he was the creator of Nerissa until I looked at his card when I got home! His wife is a photographer and they have a studio gallery on the island. I might or might not send him some of my photos. 
Town was insanely busy. One of the major service providers in Canada was down across the country, debit wasn't available, people who used the service couldn't access internet, phone or email. The people I talked to all said that it was crazy, people must think that the end of the world is coming! I haven't seen Thrifty's that busy since the beginning of Covid when shortages were predicted, people lined up in the aisles waiting for the cashiers. I couldn't wait to get home!
Company arriving tonight, a flying visit from Krista, Dan and Bruce! They're heading home Sunday, but it will be sooooo good to see them even for a short time. Haven't seen them since November!  Thank goodness the tech issues didn't interfere with them coming. There were problems at the ferry terminals.
Saw the cutest scene last night, so I added a couple of extras. Mum and her boys (last year's fawn and this year's) in the first one and the brothers in the second one. I didn't want to get too close and disturb them.  :-))

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