The visit with the claw clipper this afternoon went about as badly as it was possible to go. In fact, Sylvie was so terrified and angry that the woman was only able to cut one paw before giving up. She said that Sylvie has obviously had some traumatic experience of grooming when younger, and recommended that I see if a veterinarian would give me a prescription for a very mild, very short-acting tranquilizer so Sylvie won't be so stressed out in future. Unfortunately, the cat clinic where I would like to take her isn't accepting any new patients. So I'll have to search for another place that will accept her. I'd been thinking about a vet visit recently, as she is spending all of her time under the bed and won't even come out when it's bedtime.
I had a long phone conversation with Gena and Terri and we have tentatively set a date for an actual-in person visit. They are my dearest friends and we haven't gotten together in more than two years because of the pandemic. I'm so excited!
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