Grey Heron
The young one flew over to the entrance to meet me this morning. She had some whitebait but wasn't to keen. The supply I have just finished had been topped and tailed and was not as firm as usual. The young one does not really like it but ate the pollock instead. I then saw the older female and gave her half of the whitebait. As I made my way round the loch I heard the male. I turned to see him crashing through the trees. I gave him what was left and made my way home.
This afternoon it was only the older female and the male. The older female landed near the edge of the water and I started feeding her. Next thing a family appeared right next to me and started throwing bread. This brought the gulls in numbers so the heron flew over to a tree. I wandered round to the drainage area and the older female heron joined me to get some more.
I made my way round to the clearing and the male was waiting. He is by far the most nervous. He came across though and got some whitebait. There were lots of pigeons around and a little brat about 4 or 5 came running across screaming at the pigeons which all took off along with the male. He AND his moronic parents thought this was hilarious. I really despair at the future for our wildlife at times. Anyway when the brat and his stupid parents were away I was surprised and delighted to see the male fly back. I gave him the rest of the fish then headed home.
I got a fresh supply of whitebait this morning and it is not topped and tailed.
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