Freshly Mown

Taking a nurse's advice I was back at the Urgent care centre as the doors opened this morning. A lovely Dr* confirmed that my fracture hasn't gotten worse (or noticeably better) but shouldn't be causing the problems it is. She suspects a ruptured ligament so I've been scheduled for an MRI.

Then a long but productive afternoon at the pc. We took Missy over the mown meadow to the plunge pool in Church Beck later in the day when it was cooler. Her favourite thing.

* It was disheartening to listen to an A&E Dr having to try and beg, persuade and cajole nursing staff, orderlies and others to do overtime, to pick up extra shifts, surely that's not the best use of the single Dr on duty's time? Also, where is the sense in all patients having to wear a mask but none of the hospital employees. Just daft. 

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