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After a week away of overindulgence I was surprised to see I’d actually lost a pound or two on the scales this morning. Must have been all that walking, running & kayaking.

Up at 6:30 and took H for a 4.5km walk before cycling down to parkrun and managing a respectable 22:55 in hot conditions. Went for a quick gym session before ruining it all with a bacon roll and coffee from Greggs.

L was back at gymnastics today so MrsT and I went for a nice 5km afternoon walk minus H as it was too hot for her.

Got the car cleaned out internally too.

The girls wanted Domino’s for dinner so pizza it was and then I cycled over to my mums in the evening for visit. She got a new couch from Next today so tomorrow I’m going to head back and give her a hand moving furniture around so it fits.

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