
By Joyfullife

What Will It Be?

It was my turn to host the Winos Group this evening. WINOS stands for "Women in Need Of Sustenance". We meet once a month, each bring a bottle of wine and drink it. We don't discuss the bouquet, the legs etc. about the wine. We just drink it and talk, and talk and talk. One young woman in the photo had just announced to the group that she was finally pregnant by announcing that the color of the inside of the cupcake she made would tell us whether it is a girl or a boy. They just cut the cupcake to find a blue color filling. Oh this is sooooo girlish but for someone who is 43 years old, has been trying for 4 years to become pregnant, and running out of time, it was something to celebrate. We are all different ages in the group. I am probably the oldest and would like to think , the wisest. We all teach one another, support one another. It is a wonderful social group.

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