Walking the colours

Anzac day today but The Boss didn't think my attendance at the dawn parade would have been appropriate so we went up the mountain instead. It is really grrreat that the younger citizens of NZ are supporting Anzac day in greater numbers and a recent poll found that more folk support Anzac day, which commemorates the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps that fought in WW1, then Waitangi Day which is supposed to be a New Zealand National Day but is usually about grievances and posturing and is largely ignored by many. (The grievance and posturing not the holiday bit). The Government has just passed a bill "Mondayising " it, so I think that will make it even more popular when tacked on to a weekend.
The Boss does not watch much TV news (none is his preferred position) but the set is NEVER turned on for Waitangi day.
Mount Iron is not ignored by anyone and there was a heap of folk up there today but of course we couldn't do coffee after as everything was closed this morning.
The Boss was happy to ignore our lawn that needed mowing on the basis that he couldn't see it for leaves. He then ignored the nice lady that was delivering stuff to The Bossess 'Cos he couldn't hear her yelling with the ear muffs he was wearing to drown the leaf vac noise. BUT he didn't ignore Blip and we did a short stroll to get this shot later in the day.
The colours are hard to ignore too.

Bigger poplars?

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