
By Thepainterswife


We are having a resurgence of Covid19 here at the moment.
It never went away but all of a sudden the number of daily positives are shooting up.
It’s been three months since I had it.

In about two weeks time I’m flying off to the Cook Islands( Rarotonga) with my two brothers and dad for a weeks holiday . Now that we can leave the country everyone wants a holiday in the sun!
We are going because dad lived there for many years and he wants to catch up with his friends there. It’s such a beautiful place, very low key , nothing too glamorous or busy. I am nervous about the four of us keeping healthy now before we fly! One brother is just getting over Covid19 and I’m crossing fingers and everything that my other brother and dad don’t get it in next two weeks, otherwise it’ll be a no go!

It’s quite nerve racking.

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