A Fine Summer Afternoon in the Gardens

It was a fine summer day, and we had an errand or two in town. My husband dropped me off at Tudek Park, and I paid a quick visit to the community gardens, and whispered Hello to one of my favorite glorious white oak trees.

It was Saturday morning, and people were working in their plots, and it was so beautiful there, with all of the plants coming up, and flowers, and birds. It was so lovely that it was everything I could do not to just march in and engage the people I saw in conversation.

I love gardens and gardeners, and there is little that makes me love people more than seeing them working in a garden. So it's love that draws me in, but I try to remember that I must respect the right of gardeners to privacy and solitude, wherever they can find it. Not everybody goes to the gardens for a chat-fest!

So I just walked around, smiling my fierce, ferocious grin at them, holding back my words, but not the lightning of my smile. As far as posies go, there were some lovely yellow sunflowers just starting. And pink poppies. And red echinacea, so bright with color that they make me want to buy some of my own!

I thought that in this photo, the gardens looked like they might be from somewhere exotic, like the south of France. So pretend they are wherever you want to pretend they are from, and I will walk this ground, listening to my tunes, knowing what they are: my secret gardens in the middle of town!

The soundtrack song is Bruce Springsteen, with Secret Garden.

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