
By Veronica

(Almost) too good to be true

Real tourist board brochure stuff today … again!

It was an easy day’s walk, just over 6 km, very little climbing. We left Kilcrohane at about 10:20 and arrived chez freespiral around 3. As well as dawdling, we just had to keep stopping to admire the scenery. Extra: the lake where the King of Spain’s sons met a watery end while at Bardic school, but were reincarnated as swans. The swans were not cooperative and hid at the far end of the lake.

Lunch was again taken sprawled In the middle of the green way under a lone tree. It was followed by a siesta of a good 40 minutes. At freespiral’s we found our hosts concealed among the greenery in the garden. Cool water, ice cream, and tea were much appreciated. And then freespiral suggested a swim! Yes! We sprang into the car, zoomed five minutes down the road and were soon in deliciously refreshing water. It was delightful.

Another delicious meal, much chat, and now blipping along with freespiral’s brother’s radio show, “Bedtime with Barry”.

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