
By Annieone

What A Day......!!!

There’s not a lot more to be said would seem like our usual ‘very brief’ Summer has arrived for this year.....usually so short we need to make the best of every minute...!!
This is a shot from ‘inside’ my raspberry canes which are now yielding up ripe raspberries much so I can’t eat them fast enough....!! So I made a little pot of jam tonight with about 250g of them...oh delicious and the ‘pure’ smell of Summer...
But now another small problem....hubby picked the last of the redcurrants yesterday and I notice today that the blackbirds have ‘moved on’ to my raspberries...!!!
So that’ll be a battle...!!?
He also picked all of the blackcurrants so now I’ve pounds of those to deal with too..!!
We called to the NH today and waved in the window at my MiL...she is in great form ...Covid doesn’t seem to have bothered her at maybe we’ll get in to see her next week...!
Mel sends ‘woofs” for all your lovely comments yesterday..xx

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