Blue Sky Thinking?

A day for not doing a great deal?

We collected our barbecue after yesterday's choir social and I set about cleaning it before putting it back in the shed.  Set up a gazebo on the lawn and made use of the solar panels via the washing machine.  Not exactly exciting!  

I finished a book I have been reading - Unlawful Killings by Wendy Joseph who was until recently a high court judge specializing in murder cases.  Quite fascinating in that it explains some of the process a judge goes through in 'seeing fair play' and how she organises her advice to the jury on how they might reach a decision.  The cases she describes are  anonymised them to the extent that no-one involved would recognise them, but based on real scenarios.

Well worth a read - her conclusions about what our justice system achieves and what might be improved are quite telling.

Next up - a book about the machinations within NATO at the time of the Kosovo war in the 90s.   
Perhaps I should read something involving fluffy bunnies after that?

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