
By Farmerboab

Down to the wire ..

Another scorcher of a day .
Once cattle were checked ,got Mrs F to give me a lift to Carnwath to pickup my McCormick tractor that has been away getting a new handbrake . This meant splitting the transmission,so God knows what that will cost.
It took about an hour and a half to drive home and the main problems were cyclists and pot holes.
Back home ,a quick sandwich then hitched up the tedder and scattered the grass I cut in Tuesday again. Hopefully it will make hay soon.
Spent the rest of the day setting up an electric fence in a silage field as I'm going to have to shift the spring calving cows and calves into part of it as the field they are in is burning up. We are needing rain here,but knowing my luck once it starts it will forget to stop.
Hopefully will get the cows shifted in the morning.
Looks like a rodeo day tomorrow as wee brother phoned tonight to say the spring that feed a lot of his water troughs where the cows are had run dry. So tomorrow will be spent shifting them around to fields that have a burn running through them. Mind you ,even the burns are very low.
The joys

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