Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Friday — Fun Friends

The past couple days I have not been keeping-up with creating a journal page — ugh!
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This past week has been so enjoyable.

This evening we had dinner, well actually hors d'oeuvres, at Tom & Joy’s (right side of photo) Cayucos home; they referred to it as “Happy Hour.” It was enough food to call it dinner. They exit tomorrow for their main house in Newbury Park, which is slightly north of Los Angeles. Joy & Tom are great at entertaining and have a lovely home here.

We always have fun when Mike & Debi, who live here full-time, and Tom & Joy and the two of us can get together. Several times a year we’re all in town at the same time.

We all are relative newcomers to Cayucos. Tom & Joy purchased their Cayucos home in 2004 (just as their son & his wife, who live here in Cayucos, had their first baby). We purchased our Cayucos home in 2012; we live here now the majority of the time. Mike & Debi moved into their Cayucos home in May 2019 after looking for two years for a house here. We all first became friends on social media.

We are all retired; we all love the ocean; we all love dogs; we all love music; we all have adult children; we all love to eat; at various times in our lives, we’ve all loved to travel. Tom & Joy just spent three weeks in May in France. Debi retired from a career as a flight attendant, and Mr. Fun & I have traveled many of the rivers of America. We all love the Lord Jesus Christ and have made our reservation to spend eternity with Him. We can’t imagine anyone not doing that.

This was a wonderful Friday evening.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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