
By Valerie1940

Family heirloom

This old fork - large, silver plated, heavy, has been in my family at least since 1955. When we got our first dog - a stray - it was always ‘Betsy’s fork’ and used for nothing else but mixing up her dinner - no kibble in those days - we fed her tripe, lights, or tinned food(Chappie) mixed with table scraps, mashed potato or Winalot. We had Betsy for 16 years by which time I had my first dog and my first house. Mum kept the fork - no longer for dog food as they had no dog after Betsy - and always used it for mashing potato!
When I cleared her house I found the fork and kept it - often using it myself to mash potato! This week I realised we have gone full circle - dogs now have kibble of course but occasionally I add a bit of ‘extra’ - some wet dog food, scrambled egg, bits of meat or fish, gravy or even mashed potato - then I automatically select ‘Betsy’s fork’!

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