Black and White Again...

...back to what I recognise. Which is a bit better than my effort of yesterday!

Yes they are daffodils not tulips, my mistake!! In my defence, yesterday was a busy day and my head was full of 'Tulips'!

First stop the Supermarket. Walked in and noticed lots of different tulips and decided I would buy some. Buzzed round with the trolley and remembering the tulips went back to the flower section. Lots of different coloured tulips all at £3.00 a bunch. In the middle was a 2 for 1 offer, which I immediately thought 'that's for me'.

Through the check out and home. With not much time, unpacked the groceries, put flowers in a vase, a quick blip with 'Tulips' still on my mind for a write up, sorted my notes and off to a meeting I had to attend.

I admit I'm no gardener, but can normally recognise Tulips from Daffs! I shall blame Sainsbury's for putting daffs in amongst bunches of tulips!!

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