Ewe Wait Ages for a Ferry........

Awoken by a low prolonged sensuous moaning sound.  It repeated regularly.  Instantly I was drawn back to my days in the Kasbah with Fatou.  Alas, as I came round, it was the low moan of Scapa Flow shipping echoing around through the dense haar.  We listened to them over breakfast but couldn’t see them.  CMC went and got a shovel to get some of the haar out of the sitooterie but it was to no avail.   Being disorientated withoot the horizon I went into the fair city of Kirkwall to transact some business at the PO.  One letter was a thank you to Fidelity who recently made a very generous donation to the Hoy Kirk.  I then carried out some fevered preparation for CMC’s pending birthday.  I even photographed a few ‘wifie’s things’ to show her.  The assistant even tried an outfit on for me!  I joined in, undressing in the cubicle and slipping into an overtight cocktail number.  Luckily, being a Monday, I had my loin cloth on.  My case comes up in October.  I met Bunty cycling along Junction Road and she stopped for an update.  I met Caroline Robertson (her first Blip mention) and she asked me to explain WhatsApp to her.  I’ll tell you I don’t have it easy.  I have to make my own entertainment.  See – you are none the wiser.

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