
By cakescakescakes

It had to be.....

Malteser slice to ensure a full recovery!
Biggest boy back to school today and he managed to stay all day; no phonecalls before 9!
My littlest boy ( he's still my littlest even though he's taller than me; isn't he?) better again and he thinks he'll be fit for school tomorrow too. Just in time for the weekend!
Another funny old day of sunshine and showers and even a wee drop of hailstones this afternoon; think they have forecast thunder, lightning and snow for tomorrow so we'll have covered every eventuality by the end of the week. We only got a bit damp on today's mad dog walk; the four four-legged ones had a ball though and the kitchen floor may return to its usual colour some time soon!
Roll on tomorrow and the weekend.....

Melt 4oz butter, 8oz chocolate & 2 tbsp golden syrup. Add 8oz crushed digestives and 8oz maltesers. Press into a lined tin and then cover in melted chocolate. Leave to set in the fridge before cutting up.

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