I went on the Bus

This morning to Penzance has H  was doing a job for a chap.i wanted to buy a navy blouse or tee shirt.my first shop was simpsons which sell quality clothing. Plenty of black but no navy so I popped into a few other shops but no luck.so I bought a Costa coffee and sat by the harbour I  noticed this black back gull which we don't see many of.walking back to the bus stop I spotted these bright red flowers I thought were lovely. I did not have to wait long for the bus.it takes the scenic route to Marazion there were a lot of people walking the causeway to St Michael's Mount. Then it was to Praa Sands and Goldsthiney and arriving back to Porthleven an hour later.its been over three years since I have been on the bus to Penzance.i enjoyed the trip very much.it has been another very warm day.

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