Interesting clouds

Every morning any time from 0530 to 0630 I head out with the dogs for their pre breakfast walk.

The things that go on in my head …. they’d need warehouses full of filing cabinets. Guess I’m not alone there though!

But every morning without fail, two furry faces greet me and I find something outside to marvel at. It may be a fleeting glimpse of something, or something I have time to take in and savour and often I don’t reach for a camera. Sometimes it’s more precious just to be in the moment, if that makes any sense!

I feel lost a lot of the time. Anyone who knows me would have a hard time believing that but I do. More so the last few years.

But every morning there is something to marvel at, and that’s a lot to be grateful for.

Today it was the clouds.

Sorry for the rant. I have NO idea what I’m on about :)

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