Oh what a night

A fabulous classical concert at Leeds Castle today. Bae and I enjoyed a couple of hours together in the afternoon watching the rehearsal before he started work.

We managed to say a quick hello to my friend John the conductor and caught up with our friends the medics and some of the event crew.

My friend Steve then arrived to enjoy the show with me. It was so nice to see him out as it’s not even a month since Claire passed away. We had a dance and singalong to Dancing Queen and Oh What A Night Steve got a bit tearful at the fireworks.

As always Nessun Dorma was goosebumpingly great and I snapped some great photos of the Spitfire display over the Castle.

After the show I went to see bae in the security control room while I waited for the crowds to disperse. A former colleague of mine was drinking a cuppa and animatedly talking about her experience on the castle roof for “fire watch” during the fireworks display…. sounded fun but slightly scary.

Trundled home around midnight then stayed awake til gone 3am after the excitement of the concert. Felt a bit sad that bae is on nights tonight as we seem to miss all the big events with his shifts lately.

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