Your loves got me looking so crazy

Back up to the allotment tonight, after a hectic day at work.

We have a covid outbreak so we are a bit short on staff, so today I returned to my roots when I was a new start and rather than 130 staff there were 8 of us.

In those days I received the orders, picked the stock from our cupboard stuffed them in boxes or envelopes depending on the quantity, invoiced then, and then at the end of play. I walked them up to the post office.

Today I took the order from someone else, wandered through to the warehouse; spent fifteen minutes trying to find stuff and then packed them.

Then I had to figure out the app to ship them.

All this on top of calculating the salaries for 75 Uk staff

At the end of the day I got to hand 18 boxes on a pallet over to a UPS man, who I have to say, had very very attractive leg.

Then up to the allotment to pick 3lb of blackcurrants, pound of gooseberries and half pound of red currants .

Good day

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