Gifts of Grace

By grace

Blipper with a pearl earring

Not the day I was expecting. I had an appointment with the lovely Doc Brown for a minor procedure which, in the end, we decided was not required. BUT he had some news. Having just turned fifty he is relocating to his roots in Northern Ireland in July. I burst into tears with shock. We cried together, admittedly me more than him, for the better part of half an hour. I shall miss him sorely but I know now what we have meant to each other over the years. My tears were for all the unexpressed gratitude, turns out it was mutual. He showed me fabulous pictures of where he will live, the strand on which he will walk his four dogs. I will cry some more and put some of my gratitude in writing. Even as we spoke I could feel the gift of liberation in it all. He saw me through some very hard times when I thought I might never be well again. His care, concern and downright humanity were SO important to me, I don't know if I would have made it through without him.

The liberation comes as a feeling of graduation, a snake shedding its skin. I mentioned in my previous post about him that it's a wonder I'm not a hypochondriac - if I see him once a year that's a lot. But what had clung to me, or what I had clung to, was the idea of physical vulnerability. Which has not actually been a reality for well over ten years. So today I shed that skin, the vestiges of that old identity that I didn't even know I carried. It reminded me of a friend who spent many years with Osho in Poona. When Osho died I asked him what his response had been. He said that he danced in joy around the kitchen when he heard the news, joy that Osho was free, and that he was free now too.

So between the tears I found myself dancing with my camera today. A sudden, torrential downpour transformed the world during and after. In five minutes I took more varied images than I've taken in the last year. I've stuck them on my Blipfolio.Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last.

I occasionally read my horoscope to get another slant on the day (forgot it as soon as I've read it). Today it said 'We all have our little addictions. Sometimes, they are not quite so little. We may think, 'I'm fond of my coffee in the morning.' But then the morning comes when there is no coffee and we realise that we are more than fond of it; we are hooked on it! Such moments also present opportunities. It is just when we realise how reliant we have become on something that we are blessed with the greatest chance to learn how to overcome that dependency. The message of the eclipse is that you need not now feel trapped by anything. The partial lunar eclipse is a chance to 'reboot' your life. '

Similar themes unfolding on the blog, this turn of the spiral reiterating all the earlier ones.

And if you feel like dancing join me.

Shoulda said this is a reflection in a marble wall, not some fancy processing.

#am posting #am dancing

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