Turtle Dove

Nipped up to Epney for a wander along the Severn, but particularly because the #glosbirds feed on twitter was alive with sightings of this turtle dove. 

Epney is a lovely little village nestled on the outer edge of the Arlingham loop of the River Severn, and quite difficult to get to, but it has a nice pub called The Anchor where we parked up (and bought a beer too, a bit later!)

You might hear the turtle dove before you see it, but I was beckoned down the lane by someone with bins and a long lens. The birders were out! The call is unlike the larger pigeon and more a purr - and very loud. This is however quite a crop.

Turtle Doves are red listed on the UK conservation status, being in critical decline. I've never seen one before, or if I have it's been at a distance and "just another pigeon". It is smaller though, and well marked. 

And it was a good excuse for an early pint. Win all round, really.

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